Notice of Tender 2023-12-14

Notice of Tender for the selection, by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, of an Implementing Body engaged for the implementation of the activities of the programme, Information provision and promotion measures on agricultural products in Canada, Malaysia and South Korea, with criterion the most economically advantageous offer.

  1. Contracting Authority: National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Greece (or National Association of Agricultural Cooperatives of Greece), with the distinctive title “ETHEAS”, established in Arkadias 26, Ampelokipoi, Athens, 115 26, Greece, Tel.: +30 2107712469, as the coordinator and on behalf of both ETHEAS, and the Latvian Dairy Committee (LDC) Contact person: Marianna Liarou, email:
  2. Scope of Competitive Procedure: The selection of an Implementing Body engaged for the implementation of the activities of the programme: Information provision and promotion measures on agricultural products in Canada, Malaysia, and South Korea, ID: EUQualitystandards – 101137094, within the framework of the Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  3. Regulations: Reg (EU) 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products.
  4. Estimated Budget: 675.557,20 € VAT not included.
  5. Place of performance: Canada, Malaysia, and South Korea
  6. Conditions for participation: Participation is open on equal terms to all natural or legal persons (legal entities or consortium of entities) of the Member States related to promotion, advertising, marketing, and consultancy services and operating legally in EU Member States or within the European Economic Area (EEA), or Third Countries that have signed the Government Procurement Agreement of World Trade
  7. Tenderers may submit tenders only for the whole project as it is described in the Tender Documents.
  8. Alternative Tenders: Alternative Tenders will not be accepted.
  9. Duration of the Contract: 36 months
  10. The Tender Document will be made available to the interested companies at the headquarters of ETHEAS, upon a formal written request, up to five (5) days before the deadline of submission. Moreover, it may be requested by email at, Contact person: Mrs. Marianna Liarou, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Clarifications shall be provided to interested companies up to five (5) days before the deadline for the submission of Tenders. The Contracting Authority may make small-scale additions, corrections, or modifications to the terms of the Tender Documents, which will be made available to all interested economic operators up to five (5) days before the deadline for the submission of Tenders.
  11. Location and Time of Submission: Tenders must be submitted to the headquarters of ETHEAS, in Arkadias 26, Ampelokipoi, Athens, 115 26, Greece, either in person or by courier by Wednesday 10th January 2024 12:00 noon (Greek time). No tenders will be accepted later than the closing date and time.
  12. Date and Location of the Open Competitive Procedure: Wednesday 10th January 2024, at 12:30 pm (Greek time) at the headquarters of
  13. Minimum time period which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 6 months starting from the day after the deadline of submission.
  14. Award criteria: most economically advantageous offer.
  15. Language: The language of the Tender Document is English, and all tenders must be submitted in English.
  16. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to terminate the procedure, at any time prior to the award decision.

For the Contracting Authority,
Giannakakis Christos